Lodi - Creedance Clearwater Revival - Harmonicas Bb et C (mise à jour 31/08/2022)
CCR Undeniably one of the greatest rock bands of all time, Creedence Clearwater Revival has sold over 50 million albums worldwide since their formation in the 1960s, with their songs on consistent rotation on Classic Rock radio. In celebration of the...
U2 - Bad - Harmonica D
(1984) Official Video / Vídeo Oficial All Rights Reserved To: / Todos Os Direitos Reservados A: Island Records U2's Official Website: / Website Oficial do U2: Les membres PREMIUM peuvent télécharger la tablature du thème immortalisé par U2...
Eddy Mitchell - Un portrait de Norman Rockwell - Harmonica Ab
"Playlist Best of Eddy Mitchell Subscribe for more" Music video by Eddy Mitchell performing Un portrait de Norman Rockwell. (C) 1996 Polydor (France) Les membres premium retrouvent la tablature...
Change my heart Oh ! Lord - Harmonica C
My mom requested I do this song, so here is my piano version of this Christian hymn. It is a very pretty song and I enjoy it a lot. Les membres premium peuvent télécharger la tablature de ce gospel, cette fois pour harmonica accordé en Do et plus fidèle...
I Am a Man Of Constant Sorrow | O Brother - Harmonica Bb
Finalement je vous poste la tablature simplifiée ici et je ferai une vidéo ou un direct pour expliquer aux membres premium les effets que j'ajoute... Amusez-vous bien On the way, the trio pick up Tommy Johnson, a young...
Junior Johnson - When I Lay My Burden Down - Harmonica C
Harmonica diatonique - Spécial Blues Amusez-vous bien ;-) Turner Junior Johnson was a blind street singer and harmonica player. Not much is known about him. There are only a few recordings. Just him and his harmonica. recorded by Alan Lomax / Clarksdale,...
Lullaby of Birdland - Key of Bmin - Harmonica A
In my humble opinion the best version of this classic song Les membres Premium retrouvent la tablature de ce thème aux formats .pdf et .mscz dans la rubrique : Harmonica diatonique - Multi Styles - Jazz 02 ainsi qu'un play-back .mp3 Et bien sûr, il s'ajoute...
FINAL FANTASY XV OST - Blues de Chocobo - Harmonica C
Video showing the Chocobros happening upon the Wiz Chocobo Post :D Sound quality is a lil weird, in game it plays as though it's coming out of an old radio, same with the Hammerhead Station theme. Nouveauté dans la boutique du site ;-) Et bien sûr, il...
U2 - One - Harmonica C
U2's new album, "Songs of Experience" out now. Listen to the album: Explore more music from U2: Follow U2: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram:
Coldplay- Don't panic - Harmonica C
Karaoke Instrumental + CDG Lyrics Authentic backing track Nouveauté dans la boutique du site ;-) Et bien sûr, il s'ajoute automatiquement au contenu de l'accès premium, dans la rubrique : Harmonica diatonique - Chansons internationales - Recueil 05 Format...